Garden Design
Good design is at the forefront of a great garden. Often a very simple layout will ultimately bring the greatest rewards. When we design our gardens we work strongly on the basis of ‘less is more’
We offer a garden design service.
After doing a site visit and carrying out a detailed survey and taking photographs, we then take this information away and spend a bit of time thinking about a layout. We then produce an initial design, then scale this onto paper. We are a bit old fashioned and still like to use pencil and paper and we start with a basic outline and some strong shapes that highlight the size and scale of each part of the design. We then send this to you along with a detailed email description explaining our thoughts for each area and we often include a range of photographs to highlight similar examples.

Following this and perhaps some further email correspondence, we then send you a detailed descriptive breakdown on all the costs to carry out the work. This then helps when altering a layout to best fit a budget.
We are happy to produce the garden design only, if you want to tackle the work yourselves and we are always available for help and advice along the way.